Unable To Run .JAR Files in Windows 10 / 11 ? Here’s the Solution

Unable To Run .JAR Files in Windows 10 / 11 ? Here’s the Solution

Unable To Run .JAR Files in Windows 10 / 11 ? Here’s the Solution

May 28, 2022 By Madhuparna


A JAR file is based on a Java archive file format that may include a Java program inside it. Although you can use a zip file extracting software like the 7zip to extract the .JAR files, it won’t allow you to run a compete Java app based on .JAR.

So, if you are facing an issue while opening a .jar file, you can try the below methods.

Table of Contents


Method 1 – Download and run jarfix

Jatfix is a free utility which repairs jar files and let you run files which you are unable to run.

\1. Just go to this link and download jarfix.

2.Now, Install it after downloading .

Now, try again.

Method 2: By Creating a .bat File

Step 1: Open notepad and type the below text on it:

java -jar sample.jar

Screenshot 2022 05 28 141939 Min

*Note – Replace the highlighted portion with whatever is the name of your .jar file.

Step 2: Save the file with any name that suits you, in the same location where your .jar file is saved, followed by .bat extension.

For instance, here we named the file as run.bat and changed the Save as type to All Files.

Press the Save button.

Save As Same Location As .jar File File Name With .bat All Files Save

Now, double-click on the run.bat file and your .jar file will open smoothly.

Run Bat Sample Jar

Method 3: By Downloading Java

Step 1: Go to Java.com and download Java from the link

Step 2: On the website download page, click on the Download button in red to download the Java setup file.

Java Download Page Download

Step 3: Once the setup is complete, go to the location where the .jar file is saved and double-click on it to run the file.

Double Click On .jar File To Open

If it doesn’t open up try the 2nd method.

Method 4: Through Properties

Step 1: Simply right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu.

.jar File Right Click Properties

Step 2: In the Properties window, click on Change.

Sample.jar Properties General Tab Opens With Change

Step 3: In the next window, click on More apps.

New Prompt More Apps

Step 4: Scroll down and click on Look for another app on this PC.

List Expanded Scroll Down Look For Another App On This Pc

Step 5: It takes you to the File Explorer, click on the C drive shortcut and follow the below path step by step:

  • Double-click on Program Files (x86)
  • Double-click on Java
  • Double-click on jre1.8.0_251
  • Double-click on bin
  • Select javaw

File Explorer C Drive Shortcut Program File (x86)

Step 6: As you double-click on javaw, it takes you back to the Properties window. Click on Apply and then OK.

Properties Apply Ok

Your .jar file should open now. If it still doesn’t open, try the 3rd method.

Method 5: Using Command Prompt

Step 1: Click on the Start button on your desktop and type Command Prompt in the search field. Right-click on the result and select Run as administrator.

Click Windows Icon, Type Command Prompt, Right Click And Click On Run As Administrator

Step 2: In the Command Prompt window, type the below command in the below format and hit Enter:

ftype jarfile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_251\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*

Command Prompt Admin Execute Command Enter

*Note – The path entered is the same path for javaw as illustrated in Method 2.

This should resolve your issue and you can open the .jar file. However, if problem persists you can try the 4th method.

Method 6: Set file association

1 -Right click on the jar file and click on Open with and then click on choose another app.

Screenshot 2022 05 28 140610 Min

2 – Click on More apps

Screenshot 2022 05 28 140709 Min

3 – Click on Look for another app on this PC

Screenshot 2022 05 28 140940 Min

4 – Now, go to

  • C:
  • Program Files
  • Java
  • jre-Version-Number
  • bin

Screenshot 2022 05 28 141141 Min

5 – Select java.exe and click OK.

If all of the above methods fail, search for jarfix program on Google and download it. This will instantly fix the issue.